Patio Cleaning


patio cleaning

Full Patio Cleaning Protection

If you want a complete patio cleaning experience and bring your patio back to life within a couple of hours then let us pressure wash and soft wash your patio back to perfection.

We will remove all the mould, green, dirt and weeds quickly.

We will seal your patio with premium chemical to provide long lasting protection to your patio for many years to come.

Yes we do recommend to pressure wash your patio at least twice a year to maintain the patio for long periods of time and we offer discounts on maintenance on your patio cleaning where we can soft wash it for you to preserve your patio longer.

Call Us On: 07958-726-836 for a patio size quote & also to book an appointment.

Swipe left/right to see some of our work with patio cleaning

Are you ready for deep patio cleaning?

CALL NOW: 07958-726-836